That's just charming

That's just charming

Viewer Enquiries Contact Form (KMM3530742I19660L0KM)Tuesday, 17 May, 2011 13:44From: "Lee Borrell" View contact detailsTo: "Channel4 VE Support"

I fully understand the nature of the programme,however by broadcasting such things with a notoriously meat eating and foul mouthed host,channel 4 is giving the impression that it endorses such behaviour.Moreover,it passes the subliminal message to the next generation who may see GR as an idol, that mistreatment of animals is okay,indeed,the fact that he is a cook only further embellishes this point. Such traditions in other countries should be shown in a bad light and as the Metro letter writer indicated,borrow from the philosophies of St Francis - not those of a low IQ thug whose only claim to fame is that he can cook. As I said - stop trawling the gutter and do as Oscar Wilde suggested - look to the stars - GR is clearly not one. The fact that the original article in the Metro detailed that animal aid organisations were up in arms speaks volumes - merely trotting out the excuse "they do this in other countries so it is okay" supposed a moral laxity on behalf of CH4 and as suggested by the letter, a lack of consideration of the animal loving psyche of the UK. We do not function like the far east- and we do not want their retarded culture inflicted upon us,especially not for "entertainment" or what Ch4 thinks passes for it.

Click for more on culture difference

Culture is a lame excuseFriday, 20 May, 2011 16:26From: "Lee Borrell" <>View contact detailsTo: "UK Metro" <>

Dear Ed,

Can I just take those who are excusing Gordon Ramsay's cruel behaviour, by playing the "cultural difference" card back in time to the letter that was wrote to the Metro by Mark Buckmaster entitled "'Culture' is no excuse", which was about bullfighting? As he said then,such behaviours being part of someone's culture is "the worst excuse" and it is "our duty to judge".Perhaps you'd be so kind to re-print his letter?